[][src]Crate float_eq

Compare IEEE floating point values for equality.

Comparing floating point values for equality is notoriously difficult, getting it right requires careful reasoning and iteration. This API provides a variety of comparison algorithms and debugging tools to help make the process more intuitive and your choices explicit and clear to future maintainers.


Given how widely algorithmic requirements can vary, float_eq explores the idea that there are no generally sensible default margins for comparisons. This is in contrast to the approach taken by many other crates, which often provide default epsilon values in checks or implicitly favour particular algorithms. The author's hope is that by exposing the inherent complexity in a uniform way, programmers will find it easier to develop an intuition for effective use of floats.

This work builds on the definitions in Knuth's The Art Of Computer Programming, (Vol. 2, Seminumerical Algorithms, Third Edition, section 4.2.2), and that Random ASCII article on floating point comparison.

Floating point values

Before diving into the comparison API, let's have quick review of the properties of IEEE floating point numbers, using f32 as a concrete example. Normal floats are the most common, and due to their underlying representation are useful to consider in terms of ranges bounded by powers of two:

  • 1.0 to 1.999_999_9 contains 8_388_608 representable values, each a distance of f32::EPSILON apart.
  • 2.0 to 3.999_999_7 also contains 8_388_608 representable values, each 2.0 * f32::EPSILON apart.
  • 0.5 to 0.999_999_94 similarly contains 8_388_608 representable values, each 0.5 * f32::EPSILON apart.

So, ganularity scales with magnitude - doubling a normal number doubles the distance from adjacent representable values, and halving it halves that distance. This allows floats to represent a much wider range of values than integers with the same number of bits, with many values tightly packed together near zero and a huge absolute distance between representable values at the top end. It is worth noting that the constant f32::EPSILON is only directly applicable to very small range just above 1.0 and must be scaled to be relevant for other ranges, this will come up again shortly.

Since the result of each step in a calculation will be rounded to a representable value, the order of operations on floats has a large impact on the error margin of a given algorithm's output. For example, performing a subtraction then multiplying the result by a large number will have a much smaller relative error than multiplying both values before the subtraction, because there is less opportunity for rounding errors to accumulate and compound on one another. This also means that the granularity of the output will vary with the magnitude of the specific values it received as inputs.

A common issue in equality comparison is when comparing the result of subtracting two numbers from one another against zero. Due to the relative differences in granularity between the inputs and the result, this will vastly amplify any existing relative error margins in a calculation. It is worth noting that the error in absolute terms is preserved. This is known as catastrophic cancellation.

Subnormal (or denormal) values are those in the range from 0.0 to f32::MIN_POSITIVE (1.17549435e-38), exclusive. These, oddly, behave more intuitively like integers since they have a constant difference between each value. The top of the normal range is f32::MAX, above which lies f32::INFINITY, which acts differently than the normals under operations like subtraction. There are of course corresponding negative normals, subnormals and infinity. Additionally, since a sign bit is used and not two's complement, -0.0 is a different representation from 0.0 and has a different bit pattern, though comparison considers the two as equal.

Finally, there is NaN (Not a Number), which is used when some error has occured during a calculation, for example dividing by zero. This is actually a range of values, of which f32::NAN is only one. Different bit patterns represent different kinds of errors, although this is irrelevant to equality since NaN values are not equal to anything, including themselves.

Making comparisons

The float_eq! and float_ne! macros compare two floating point expressions for equality based on the result of one or more different kinds of check. A check is invoked by name and an upper boundary, so for example abs <= 0.1, should be read as "an absolute epsilon check with a maximum difference of less than or equal to 0.1". This example makes use of the relative epsilon comparison rmax:

const RECIP_REL_EPSILON: f32 = 0.000_366_210_94; // 1.5 * 2f32.powi(-12)
assert!(float_eq!(0.1f32.recip(), 10.0, rmax <= RECIP_REL_EPSILON));

Similarly for assert_float_eq! and assert_float_ne!, which may optionally use a custom panic message:

let a: f32 = 4.0;
let b: f32 = 4.000_002_5;
assert_float_eq!(a - b, 0.0, abs <= 0.000_01);
assert_float_eq!(a - b, 0.0, abs <= 0.000_01, "Checking that {} == {}", a, b);

Checks may be used alone or in combination. If more than one check is specified then they are performed in order from left to right. If any check is true, then the two values are considered equal and the process is shortcut. For example, this expression:

float_eq!(a, b, abs <= 0.000_01, ulps <= 4)

Is equivalent to:

float_eq!(a, b, abs <= 0.000_01) || float_eq!(a, b, ulps <= 4)

Absolute epsilon comparison

A check to see how far apart two expressions are by comparing the absolute difference between them to an absolute threshold. Equivalent to, using f32 as an example:

fn float_eq_abs(a: f32, b: f32, max_diff: f32) -> bool {
    // the PartialEq check covers equality of infinities
    a == b || (a - b).abs() <= max_diff

Absolute epsilon tests do not work well for general floating point comparison, because they do not take into account that normal values' granularity changes with their magnitude. Thus any given choice of max_diff is likely to work for one specific power of two range and poorly outside of it.

However, absolute epsilon comparison is often the best choice when comparing against zero, since most values that fall into this category are likely to have undergone catastrophic cancellation and thus have a very high relative error, making it difficult to select appropriate thresholds for relative epsilon checks. They can also be useful for testing against infinities, as relative checks fail in a similar fashion.

Relative epsilon comparison

A check to see how far apart two expressions are by comparing the absolute difference between them to an epsilon that is scaled to the granularity of one of the inputs. Equivalent to, using f32 as an example:

fn float_eq_relative(a: f32, b: f32, max_diff: f32) -> bool {
    // the PartialEq check covers equality of infinities
    a == b || {
        let chosen = func(a.abs(), b.abs());
        (a - b).abs() <= (chosen * max_diff)

Where func is one of:

  • rmax: the larger magnitude (aka rel for legacy reasons)
  • rmin: the smaller magnitude
  • r1st: the first input
  • r2nd: the second input

The first of these check types (rmax) is a good general algorithm to use for comparing normal floats in the absence of a reason to use one of the others and is the one most often provided by other libraries. The r1st and r2nd options may be useful in unit tests for comparing against a specifically computed expected value. Note that a relative epsilon check does not implicitly include an absolute check, so if you wish to use both you must specify both.

Relative epsilon checks are a good general choice for comparing normal floats since they take into account the relative granularity of the inputs, however they are a bad choice for comparing against zero or infinity, since the relative error at those extremes often makes it hard or impossible to select a sensible threshold.

Choice of epsilon is best made by considering the range of normal values beginning with 1.0, since then a threshold of n * f32::EPSILON will test for equality within a relative error margin of n representable values regardless of the specific inputs. Be aware that this reasoning becomes a little shakey around the edges of the power of two ranges due to the granularity changing. If you're having trouble with these cases, an ULPs comparison may be more useful.

Units in the Last Place (ULPs) comparison

A check to see how far apart two expressions are by comparing the number of representable values between them. This works by interpreting the bitwise representation of the input values as integers and comparing the absolute difference between those. Equivalent to, using f32 as an example:

fn float_eq_ulps(a: f32, b: f32, max_diff: u32) -> bool {
    if a.is_nan() || b.is_nan() {
        false // NaNs are never equal
    } else if a.is_sign_positive() != b.is_sign_positive() {
        a == b // values of different signs are only equal if both are zero.
    } else {
        let a_bits = a.to_bits();
        let b_bits = b.to_bits();
        let max = a_bits.max(b_bits);
        let min = a_bits.min(b_bits);
        (max - min) <= max_diff

Thanks to a deliberate quirk in the way the underlying format of IEEE floats was designed, this is a measure of how near two values are that scales with their relative granularity. Note that max_diff is an unsigned integer, so for example ulps <= 4 means "check that a and b are equal to within a distance of four or less representable values".

ULPs comparisons are very similar to relative epsilon checks, and as such are useful for testing equality of normal floats but less so for comparisons with zero or infinity. Additionally, because floats use their most significant bit to indicate their sign, ULPs comparisons are not valid for comparing values with different signs. They can be easier to parameterize than relative epsilon checks once you get used to them, since ULPs are closer to the raw hardware representation and don't suffer from the same problems around powers of two values.

Which check(s) should I use?

This really does depend a lot on your specific algorithm's workings and the magnitude of your inputs and their error margins. A test of the result of finite difference approximation of derivatives might use a relative epsilon check with a threshold of the square root of machine epsilon, whereas a test of the SSE _mm_rcp_ps operation could instead opt for a maximum relative error of 1.5 * 2^(-12) based on the available documentation. Be prepared to research, test, benchmark and iterate on your comparisons to get the best results. Having said that, there are some rules of thumb you can apply.

If you are comparing two non-zero normal numbers, try using ulps (only if the two expressions are the same sign), rmax, or some other relative epsilon check:

let a: f32 = 4.0;
let b: f32 = 3.999_999_2;

assert_float_eq!(a, b, ulps <= 4);
assert_float_eq!(a, b, rmax <= 2.0 * f32::EPSILON);
assert_float_eq!(a, b, r2nd <= 4.0 * f32::EPSILON);

If you are comparing against zero or infinity, especially if you know the value was computed from the subtraction of two larger magnitude values, try an abs check:

let a: f32 = 4.0;
let b: f32 = 3.999_999_2;

assert_float_eq!(a - b, 0.0, abs <= 0.000_001);

If your values may be zero or normals, you should try combining an abs check with a relative check of some kind:

let a: f32 = 4.0;
let b: f32 = 3.999_999_2;

assert_float_eq!(a, b, abs <= 0.000_001, rmax <= 4.0 * f32::EPSILON);
assert_float_eq!(a - b, 0.0, abs <= 0.000_001, rmax <= 4.0 * f32::EPSILON);

assert_float_eq!(a, b, abs <= 0.000_001, ulps <= 4);
assert_float_eq!(a - b, 0.0, abs <= 0.000_001, ulps <= 4);

Comparing composite types

When comparing composite values using the standard check types (abs, rmax, ulps, etc), epsilon is an instance specifying per-field threshold values. If a type's fields are all of the same type, then you may make use of the _all variants (e.g. abs_all, rmax_all, ulps_all) to use the same epsilon value across all fields. For example, arrays may be compared using an epsilon that covers each index separately:

let a = [1.0, -2.0, 3.0];
let b = [-1.0, 2.0, 3.5];
assert_float_eq!(a, b, abs <= [2.0, 4.0, 0.5]);

Or with the same threshold across all values:

assert_float_eq!(a, b, abs_all <= 4.0);

Similarly, if the relevant traits have been implemented for a struct type:

let a = Complex32 { re: 2.0, im: 4.000_002 };
let b = Complex32 { re: 2.000_000_5, im: 4.0 };

assert_float_eq!(a, b, rmax <= Complex32 { re: 0.000_000_25, im: 0.000_000_5 });
assert_float_eq!(a, b, rmax_all <= 0.000_000_5);

assert_float_eq!(a, b, ulps <= Complex32Ulps { re: 2, im: 4 });
assert_float_eq!(a, b, ulps_all <= 4);

Error messages

Assertion failure messages provide context information that hopefully helps in determining how a check failed. The absolute difference (abs_diff) and ULPs difference (ulps_diff) between the values are always provided, and then the epsilon values used in the check are listed afterwards. For example, this line:

This example panics
assert_float_eq!(4.0f32, 4.000_008, rmax <= 0.000_001);

Panics with this error message, where the relative epsilon, [rel] ε, has been scaled based on the size of the inputs (ε is the greek letter epsilon):

thread 'main' panicked at 'assertion failed: `float_eq!(left, right, rmax <= ε)`
        left: `4.0`,
       right: `4.000008`,
    abs_diff: `0.000008106232`,
   ulps_diff: `Some(17)`,
    [rmax] ε: `0.000004000008`', assert_failure.rs:15:5

Comparing custom types

Comparison of new types using float_eq! is supported by implementing FloatEqUlpsEpsilon, FloatEq and optionally FloatEqAll. Support for assert_float_eq! may be enabled by also implementing FloatEqDebugUlpsDiff and AssertFloatEq/AssertFloatEqAll.


The easiest way to implement these traits is with the #[derive_float_eq] helper macro. The ulps_epsilon and debug_ulps_diff parameters are required. They are used to name two new types that match the structure of the type being derived from. The first is used to provide ULPs epsilon values per field, and the second is used to provide debug information for the differerence between values in ULPs.

The all_epsilon parameter is optional. If provided, it will additionally implement the traits required to use the _all variants of checks, using the given epsilon type (usually f32 or f64).

At present, only non-generic structs and tuple structs may be derived:

    ulps_epsilon = "PointUlps", 
    debug_ulps_diff = "PointDebugUlpsDiff",
    all_epsilon = "f64"
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
struct Point {
    x: f64,
    y: f64,

let a = Point { x: 1.0, y: -2.0 };
let b = Point { x: 1.1, y: -2.2 };
assert_float_eq!(a, b, abs <= Point { x: 0.15, y: 0.25 });
assert_float_eq!(a, b, abs_all <= 0.25);

let c = Point { x: 1.000_000_000_000_000_9, y: -2.000_000_000_000_001_3 };
let eps = f64::EPSILON;
assert_float_eq!(a, c, rmax <= Point { x: 4.0 * eps, y: 5.0 * eps });
assert_float_eq!(a, c, rmax_all <= 5.0 * eps);
assert_float_eq!(a, c, ulps <= PointUlps { x: 4, y: 3 });
assert_float_eq!(a, c, ulps_all <= 4);



Asserts that two floating point expressions are equal to each other.


Asserts that two floating point expressions are not equal to each other.


Asserts that two floating point expressions are equal to each other.


Asserts that two floating point expressions are not equal to each other.


Checks if two floating point expressions are equal to each other.


Checks if two floating point expressions are not equal to each other.



The absolute difference between two floating point Complex<T> instances in ULPs.



Debug context for when an assert fails.


Debug context for when an assert using an all check fails.


Compare IEEE floating point values for equality using per-field thresholds.


Compare IEEE floating point values for equality using a uniform threshold.


Per-field results of ULPs based diff calculations.


Per-field thresholds for ULPs based comparisons.

Type Definitions


ComplexUlps<T> type matching Complex32.


ComplexUlps<T> type matching Complex64.


Per-field results of ULPs based diff calculations.


Per-field thresholds for ULPs based comparisons.

Attribute Macros


Helper for deriving the various float_eq traits.